Our website may from time to time use Google AdWords advertising and its remarketing service to advertise on third party websites (including Google) to previous visitors to our website.
This could be in the form of an advertisement on the Google search results page or a website in the Google Display Network.
Third-party vendors, including Google, use cookies to serve ads based on someone's past visits to websites.
Any data collected by visiting our website will be used in accordance with our own privacy policy and Google's privacy policy.
Our privacy policy is such that we only collect personal information that is explicitly and voluntarily provided by our visitors, such as when a visitor contacts us by email to request more information about our tour packages. We may followup email requests with additional updates after an initial email, which you may opt-out of at any time. Any personal information we collect is never sold to third parties.
You can find information on how to opt out of Google's use of cookies by visiting the Google Ad Preferences page at www.google.com/settings/ads.